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Quick Tips

Mustangs run through field

WELCOME! We’re looking forward to developing a good relationship with all Talent Elementary parents and students. Below we’ve provided some important information about school rules. Please take time to read through them and let us know if you have any questions.


7:45 — 2:35 pm

Wednesday ONLY — Early Dismissal at 1:35 pm

Students may NOT be dropped off at the school any earlier than 7:45 a.m.


Our school will purchase school supplies needed for the classroom. We ask families only to provide a backpack for their student(s). Teachers appreciate donations such as Kleenex, disinfecting wipes and snacks. Working with the teacher on supplies needed or making a donation to the class is always appreciated. 


All meals for all students are FREE. We provide an opportunity for students to eat breakfast before school begins as well as lunch. Click here to see what's on the menu.


Every student at Talent Elementary has a plan for their afterschool transportation. We call this an Afterschool Itinerary. Any time there’s a temporary change to a student’s regular itinerary (for example a student is going to be picked up rather than riding the bus) it is required that the parent send a note or call the school office by noon.


Regular school attendance is critical to academic achievement and is a habit and pattern that is established in elementary school. Parents are required to call on the morning of the student’s absence. Doing so will help school officials with attendance reporting and save parents from receiving a phone call regarding the child’s absence.


A medication form (for prescription & OTC), is available in the school office and must be filled out prior to medications being distributed by the school. Do NOT send medication with your student in their backpack with a note. Over the counter (OTC) medications can be given to a student as long as a parent completes the medication form.


All volunteers are required to complete a background check and submit ID for verification. This should be completed at least 2 weeks prior to volunteering. Click here to get started.